72 • F O R E V E R YO U N G the store “in cash.” Well, Andy has always had a little trouble listening, and was anxious to close the sale so he, like his grandfather, took a few checks. To my surprise his goodwill was returned without bouncing a check. After a couple of years he got his feet on the ground, he came to me and suggested that we have different sales people to call on different classes of trade. After thinking about what he had said, I agreed. It was his idea, so I put him in charge of it. He led the vending and convenience divisions, hiring people to call on those classes of trade. Betsy took over direct buying retailers—supermarkets, drug chains and club stores—and working together the company continues to grow. Both Betsy and Andrew are well respected by their peers. They both have received the Lou Spector award for distinction in the confectionery business, like me. Just last year, Lita Young took on a central position inside the company managing the business. A graduate of Cornell and Harvard Business School, Lita is an important addition to the company and its future. Andy and his wife, Lita Young. Now the CFO of the company.